Thursday, March 31, 2005


and Tracy have suggested using thread instead of yarn to make smaller butterflies. My husband commented today that my butterflies actually look like butterflies, but he's not sure those hearts actually look like hearts.

Per the rules of the afghan, I should only use the yarn I was given by them. But that rule was implemented to have color consistency, and I happen to have crochet thread in that shade of red... hmmm... I need to think this over. While I do that, I'll occupy myself weaving in some ends on another project:

Yes, my husband will have to break into new wool socks now that the weather is warmer.

In other news, he's been telling me to write a blog in Spanish. Sadly, there are very few knitting blogs in Spanish out there. So let me introduce you to my Spanish blog. It's going to be essentially a translation of what I blog about here. There's a lot of work to be done regarding formats and pop-up windows, but I'll start translating my entries as of today. Do you like it?


Heather said...

Yay! I do like it, now I can keep up with your knitting AND practice my espanol! Is it much trouble to have two going simultaneously?

Your butterflies are lovely, and so I vote with Stacie and Tracy to make them with thread.

I am very fond of your tree -- it looks a bit like a giant redwood or something : )

Tracy said...

I'm learning airport Spanish at the moment whilst doing my ironing (plugged into my Ipod!) I like the idea of you doing Spanish as well, the blog looks fine.....just make sure you keep the English bit going as well, I need all the help I can get!!!

Michele said...

Cool idea - a Spanish blog. Maybe I could improve my Spanish if I read it regularly!

Happy knitting!

Jenifer said...

Hey there -- I teach Spanish and have beenlooking for Spanish blogs (you haven't found any either, eh?) so I'm glad I found yours! !Te vere' alli'! (But I can't figure out accent marks on these programs which drives me crazy)

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