Thursday, March 03, 2005

Rip, rip, rip, rip....

Argh! Don't you hate mistakes? Especially when you make them early on and you don't notice until much later. The plan with the blue ribbed top was to cross cables after 14 rows, then 42, then 70, then 98. There's a 28 row interval between crossings.

But I crossed my first cable after 12 rows, so crossing them after 42 gave me an initial interval of 30 rows. I failed to notice that mistake until I was well past 70 rows, doing the armhole decreases and expecting to make the final crossing of cables at 98, Oh, sob, sob, sob. What am I going to do now?

Rip, rip, rip. But I'm not ripping down to my 12th row. No way. I ripped down to row 70 and I will now use 30 row intervals. I'll have cables crossing after 12, 42, 72 and 102 rows. That means a higher neckline, but hopefully not very much. The blue thing now looks like this:

It was looking real good before I ripped it, it even had armholes. I wish now I'd taken a picture of it, but that would have frustrated me even more. I need some motivation here, I think I'll go get some chocolate.


Urraca said...

Gracias por tu comentario en mi bitácora (blog). Qué ilusión localizar a más tejedoras de habla hispana. Somos tan pocas en Bloguilandia. Si he entendido bien, ¿eres mexicana y estás casada con un español?

La próxima vez que vengas a Madrid, no dudes en ponerte en contacto con nosotras en mi blog o en el de la Tertulia madrileña de punto:

Un saludo desde Madrid, Urraca

Andrea said...

Chocolate solves everything! At least, that's what I tell myself every day. :) Hope the chocolate made you feel better.

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