Thursday, March 10, 2005

Gotta knit this!

It's the Seamless Argyle Sock. It's shareware, the creator requests a $3 donation if you use the pattern generator to knit it, which is, I believe, a bargain.

Ah, but I'm not supposed to buy any yarn until I finish certain WIPs. So, am I hurrying up with them? No way! I will use the yellow yarn from my stash:

Yes, that's the same yellow yarn I've been dyeing with Kool-Aid and mouthwash and whatnot. My grandma had lots of it, she must have liked yellow a lot. Or maybe she found it on sale, got carried away buying it all and then never got to use it.

Of course, there will be some dyeing involved. And I need some help here. As my husband says, I'm color challenged (remember my green and yellow socks? believe it or not I do wear them). What colors do you think would look good in an argyle sock? Keep in mind that the original yellow will be a problem. Even though it is a very faint yellow, I wasn't able to get a decent purple out of it.

Tracy pointed out that my comments are not working any more from her computer, but you can still use the contact form while I get that fixed (or rather, the helpful blogdrive people figure that out for me).


Heather said...

Hmm. Thinking back to the color wheel . . .what are the primary colors anyway?! Could you use red to make orange and a lot of blue to get a turquoise-ish color? Orange and turquoise? Kind of loud, I guess, but could be fun and spring-like. Have you tried dying with foods -- like using purple cabbage? I wonder what that would do? I actually like your plum yarn from the purple dye experiment. Very goth.

Michele said...

Just checking in, Pioggia! Good for you with your discipline about not buying yarn until the WIP's are finished. I don't think I have the strength for such a commitment!!!

Melanie said...

I don't dye so I don't know if I'm the right person to answer this... but you seem like the sort of girl that could pull off orange and blue like mentioned above. Other "hot" color combos would be brown and pink or brown and bright blue. I wonder if you could just try a bunch of colors and make random verigated stripes? Good luck with that, and keep us posted!


jody said...

do you think you could make a brown for some of it? then you could do brown and a light-medium blue (which is a color combo i'm always drawn to). also, have you considered trying food dyes, wilton cake dyes, or easter egg dyes? i've heard they can make some stronger color combos.

Valerie said...

Purple is the opposite of yellow, so if you combine them they should much up and make something brownish. I would add reds to make orange-reds or add blues to make blue-greens.

Andrea said...

When I was in high school, a bunch of us got together and dyed our hair. One of us decided to be brave and used henna to turn her hair into a burnished mahogany. Intead it turned into this horrible green colour. To counteract the green, the hair colourist used red hair dye. Turned out great then! I wonder what would "counteract" the yellow? And that mouthwash dyed yarn with mouthwash? Really?? And, I love your green and yellow socks. How do you dye yarn to make it stripe? I'm so impressed...

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