Wednesday, December 01, 2004

I finished the second sock

Yes, I overcame my second sock syndrome without straining my pinkie:

I would have worn them right away, were it not for the fact that they tend to roll down to my ankles. But I'm going to fix them:

Do you think this will work? I've never incorporated elastic to ribbing, but my mom used to do it, so I'm hoping I'll be able to do it too. If it doesn't work, I'm going to ask her for some help.

By the way, she is the one that taught me how to knit, and she was taught by her aunts and grandmother, so I assume people in Mexico and Spain have been using the "combined" method all along. Can anyone check on that? The so called "English" method is also used in Germany and in Italy, according to Marta (I did ask her once). I'll just call it the popular method, since it's the one most books and magazines assume you will use. Modeknits calls it the "Western" method, which gives the false impression that this method is used throughout the Western hemisphere.


Marta said...

Hi Pioggia!

Correct is: in Italy we only kow the "English" method. No book, no single magazine shows you that there is another method of knitting.

But in Germany, everybody knits continental. When people see me knit here in Germany, they look at me like at an alien... Just knitters who read american knitblogs know the existence of other knitting methods.

I love your socks! So refreshing colours!

froggy said...

your socks are fantastic!

Michele said...

Woo Hoo! Way to go on the socks! They look great!

Stacie said...

I am still so impressed that you made that yarn self striping!

Pioggia said...

Thanks for that correction. Yes, I forget that there's also the continental method. You hold your yarn with your left hand, but purling does not produce "twisted" stitches, as the combination method does. (To me they're not twisted, of course).

Thank you all for your encouragement on a humble pair of socks.

Brit said...

Those have to be the cutest socks ever! You did such a great job :)

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