Thursday, December 09, 2004

The real thing

This is truly self patterning yarn. As much as I liked my homemade self striping yarn, it cannot compete with the real thing:

This is a little dark, but maybe you'll be able to tell that I'm using a different yarn for the toe and the heel, to keep the pattern bands intact. That yarn is slightly thicker, and I hope, more resistant than the socka yarn. If the heel or toe become worn out, I should be able to replace them (or so I hope).

Here's also my Frankenbag, badly in need of blocking and some straps. I have yet to decide what sort of straps I will use and how I will attach them.

My hands are much better now. The coal tar ointment helped a lot. Right now I'm using Aveeno intense relief hand cream and that allows me to knit without being afraid of staining my yarn. I still plan on using the coal tar overnight with a pair of cotton gloves to keep my sheets clean.


Heather said...

Wow that sock yarn is amazing! I had no idea that's what was meant by self-patterning. I'm super impressed.

Are you planning to felt the frankenbag, or leave it as is? I think it's great -- very utilitarian looking.

Missy said...

I love Frankenbag! ^_^ I can't wait to see what sort of handles you put on it. The colours are lovely - this is a much better photo of them. Such a lovely neutral object. The sock is looking great too.

Sorry to hear about your eczema. I can relate somewhat - I have recently been at the mercy of my contact allergy to parabens, and as a result have had dry itchy eyes and also around my mouth (and I now have to give up most cosmetic product completely). I use Aveeno too - it's one of the only paraben-free lotions I can find. It's a lifesaver.

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