Monday, May 23, 2005

It's a nightmare

I'm not usually paranoid about my knitting, but I'm beginning to think the blue thing hates me. I did a three needle bindoff (not so good looking but fair enough) and happily started crocheting the collar to the back. And then I had to stop. Here's why:

I know that I only have myself to blame and that I shouldn't take this against the poor blue thing. But I have another headache coming on and before I make a stupid decision like tearing this to pieces or leaving a twisted collar as a design element, I'm going to cast on for my felted bag. Here's the yarn I'm going to use:

I was trying to get bands of different intensity. It came out very uneven (and very un-purple) but maybe for a felted bag it won't matter.


jody said...

oh no...this stuff happens to all of us.

if it's any consollation, i knitted the whole weekend and only have about 5 inches of knitting to show for it.

the felted bag should be good for some instant gratification :)

Jennifer said...

Yeah, I'd switch to another project for a while. Once a project gets under the skin, sometimes it best to take a break.

Heather said...

I like the variegated purple yarn! And it sounds like the blue thing needs to go under the bed or into some other very dark and forgettable place for a few days. Could you crochet on a flower and call it a new look? Or is the twist right in the middle of your back? : (

Pioggia said...

I could move it around, but it would still be in the back. No, I'm afraid I'll have to fix it. But not yet.

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