Thursday, May 12, 2005

Little domestic disasters

I finished my little pencil case. I crocheted the pieces together with yellow yarn and discovered that it was a tad too small for a pencil case. No problem, I thought I could felt it and use it for my lip balm, mirror, keys and all other small trinkets that I can never find in my Frankenbag. And I had a load of cottons about to be washed.... Can you tell where this is going?

Now, please remember that I dyed this wool with Kool-aid, and at the time of dyeing I had it all tied with cotton yarn which was soaked and zapped at the same time and never caught the color. Therefore, I thought this experiment was perfectly safe for my cottons.

As you might have guessed, it wasn't. If the kool-aid had been taken up by the towels, the underwear or the t-shirts, it would not have been a disaster. But the two items that were stained happened to be two of my husband's newest khakis. Well, they actually are like a year old, but that's new by his standards. I covered the stains with Shout, threw my shame into the hot wash cycle and confessed my sins. He's a sweet guy, he forgave me immediately.

Luckily, the Shout and the hot wash did the job and his trousers are no longer stained. Whew!

And the pencil case? Sadly, not very felted. But I got inspiration from Missy and did some sink felting with rubber gloves, alternating hot and cold water, until I got the result I wanted. I will show some pictures as soon as I can. I'm afraid that the sink is as far as I'll dare to go for a while when it comes to felting.


Jennifer said...

Oh no! Thank goodness you saved the pants! That would have not been good.

Heather said...

Good save on the khakis! And they didn't even shrink when you washed them in hot water -- lucky you! I'd love to see a picture of the plum yarn with yellow sides --

Tracy said...

Don't you just hate it when you open the door of the washing machine and you just...know? That cold sweaty feeling when you pull the stuff out and see the damage. You poor thing, I'm glad it's all ok now though. I'd like to say you won't do it again, but if you're anything like me, that's not possible!

Michele said...

God, I was so worried as I was reading. It was quite suspenseful.

I'm glad it all turned out well in the end.

Have a great knitting weekend!

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