Tuesday, May 17, 2005

It's all lies

I found the following statements on this site, explaining the health benefits of knitting:

* Patients with hypertension experienced significant decreases in blood pressure.

* Patients with chronic pain experienced less severity of pain,

* Women suffering from symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) experienced a decrease in severity.

* Patients who suffered from anxiety or mild or moderate depression were less anxious, depressed, angry, and hostile.

* Migraine and cluster headache sufferers found they had fewer and less severe headaches.

The article offers other tidbits of information, with links to the sources, but not for these little bulleted items. Which leads me to believe they're just empty lies someone came up with. Obviously, whoever wrote them has never attempted to learn how to graft a knitted collar with twisted stitches on a blue thing that seems to be taking forever to knit.

I, having failed at the task after too many attempts, can testify that I feel depressed, angry and hostile, have a headache and feel my blood pressure rising.

So much for therapeutic knitting.

Luckily, there's therapeutic dyeing:

Though let me warn you, my previous attempts were pretty frustrating, too. This time I used my regular oven at approximately 175oF and I'm very pleased with the results: Brick red and orange.

In other news, I'm happy to report that I was able to attach velcro strips to the little felted bag without it showing on the right side. It's nice to work on more than one project at a time. That way, when one of them is driving you bonkers, you can find consolation on another one.


Jennifer said...

I've had my frustrating knitting moments as well. Case in point, the pile of yellow yarn that used to be a too small minisweater. GRRRRRRRR!!!!!! Maybe the person who wrote that article was talking about the effect of knitting on life in general? If that's so it could be true.

I like the dye results!

Stacie said...

I know what you mean! LOL

Heather said...

Love your orange and brick red hanks of yarn! I think you must be right -- those therapeutic benefits must have arisen only for knitters working in either garter or stockinette with very lush yarn, no dropped stitches, no questionable pattern instructions and certainly no grafting with twisted stitches. I hope you find success soon with the blue thing.

Tracy said...

Maybe they do stocking stitch scarves whilst eating copious amounts of chocolate! That's the only time my blood pressure is firmly at normal. Your dyeing is reminding me of a certain project I've just completed, you just need a little bit of pink now and you could do it too!

froggy said...

beautiful dye results!

Missy said...

I love the colours of the dye! I agree with you on the consolation of having other projects. Those people that talk about knitting therapy must only be referring to garter stitch scarves, for sure.

nicole said...

hey! i saw that you dyed your own wool/yarn and i am very curious as to how to do that myself. i have tons of hanks of white alpaca wool from knitpicks and i want to dye it! can you please tell me how you did it? go to my blog and comment

Michele said...

Nice colours, Pioggia!

Sorry about the frustrating thing. I can totally relate!

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