Wednesday, June 22, 2005

If only....

...those nasty ends would weave themselves in, I'd be done by now with that bag.

Weaving in ends is a task I don't enjoy at all. That's why I tried so hard to dye my own self striping yarn. And though I certainly reduced the amount of loose ends, I still have plenty left. That's why I got a little fed up and picked up a different project. I just knitted a few more rows with my pink yarn:

Yes, I'm reducing for armholes already. I'm no longer aiming at a boatneck, but a raglan instead.

I was still itching to felt something, and I cannot felt my bag yet, so I also knitted a little swatch and felted it right away:

I will eventually use this yarn to knit a felted i-pod cozy (no, I do not own an ipod, this is a request from my husband).


Jennifer said...

I feel the same way about weaving in ends. I've started just doing them as I knit so I don't have a zillion at the end of the project. It's helped me actually finish stuff instead of stuffing it in a corner until I get up the stomach to take out the yarn needle. Hee hee!

Tracy said...

Ends....this is the first time I've woven mine in too. I hate all that sewing, wouldn't it be great if you could just glue hehe!

Stacie said...

OMG I hate weaving in ends. Hate it hate it. Don't really know why. I just do.

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