Friday, February 18, 2005

Crooked Doily

Yes, I'm making something that's not on the list. I hope its looks improve, otherwise it's going back to the closet as a failed attempt to create a Lorenz Manifold. The "complete instructions" are not really complete. They are more like guidelines, and on top of that I'm aiming at a smaller one, so I'm having to make things up as I go (as usual).

I got that red crochet thread from my sister in law. She bought it so I could crochet a small red bag for her wedding "arras". The best English translation I could find for those is: "13 coins given by bridegroom to bride during the wedding ceremony". Which is not very accurate, but you get the idea. I wish I had a picture of that little bag, but I didn't think of it back then.

The sock and the blue thing are growing, but not much, so I won't post progress pictures yet.


Tracy said...

More pink, I love it!

Becky said...

That is so pretty. I had arras at my wedding, too, and it never would have occurred to me to have a bag knit or crocheted for them.

Pioggia said...

Me neither. I had a little china box for mine, and it broke right after the wedding. Maybe that's why my sister-in-law wanted a crocheted bag.

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