Thursday, April 14, 2005

Not what I had planned

OK, this is not THE BLUE THING but it's a blue thing. After speding a month with those afghan squares I wanted some instant gratification. Can you guess what it is going to be?

Hint: It's not a sock.

I can't believe I spent a full month knitting just two afghan squares, can you imagine spending six months knitting a full sized afghan? I shudder at the thought.


Stacie said...

Is it going to be for a cell phone, i pod, or something?

Lani said...

Hmmm...I am stumped...if it's not a sock. A scarf? I have seen folks knit scarves like that...I give up. The cellphone case/Ipod thingy is a better guess than mine. LOL! :)

Michele said...

Hi Pioggia,

Have you ever tried the quick knits afghans? They go so fast that I've actually made a couple now. I've got another one to get on the needles any day now.

My guess for the blue thing is a nose warmer!

Happy knitting!

Missy said...

Your squares for the afghan are looking great! My guess for the blue thing would be either an eyeglasses case or a change purse. Oh, what could it be?

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