Wednesday, December 14, 2005


I have not decided whether or not I want to stay at blogdrive. Inertia makes me want to stay, but some ads are sort of repellent. The ads within the text entry have disappeared (for now). The blogdrive help people, who usually respond fairly quickly, have yet to answer whether or not those ads will come back. Their new editor works fine, but some acute accents have disappeared from their symbol list, which is a bummer when you write in Spanish.

The husband spent two hours proving to me that my template could be transferred to blogspot. He even made some improvements. You'd think he sold his soul to the blogspot people. I do thank him for spending that much time in this, but like I said, it's too soon to decide. I also appreciate all the opinions I received regarding the ads and hosting options.

Here's my two doilies, I'm not sure I liked them better before blocking:

Free Image Hosting at

I also have a picture of the blue sock:

Free Image Hosting at

It's taking more time than I anticipated. Bear in mind that I've been staining boards to make a bookcase and that I have also put together a table, six chairs and a futon.


Jennifer said...

The sock is looking good! I think the doilies look better post blocking, but of course I think all lace things look better after blocking.

Stacie said...

Your doilies look great :) Keep us posted on your move.

Heather said...

You know, P, what's strange is that "knitwit" is on blogdrive, and I've never noticed pop-ups or ads on her site. I wonder why you're being hit? I'd be annoyed with them too.

I hope you are well and enjoying your warm holidays!

Pioggia said...

Thanks for the warm wishes. Thankfully the ads at the bottom of each blog entry were short lived. I don't get them anymore but there were several sites hit with them last Sunday. All non-paying blogs have a banner on the top of the page and additional ads inside the comment windows (no pop-ups, which is great). The banner doesn't bother me. I don't object either to the comment ads, but every once in a while a few sexist ads show up.

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