Friday, July 01, 2005

Communication woes

The reason there's no knitting content today is, simply put, bad communication.

Here's a recent example of bad communication:

- Did you want the light blue or the purple yarn for trimming?

- The flap should be light blue and the trimming purple.

- But I already knitted the flap in navy blue.

- Well, you should have asked me before.

So the ipod cozy is going to the frog pond and I have no pictures to post. Instead, I have this:

Take the MIT Weblog Survey

I read about it on Stacie's blog. I love participating in surveys except when they get exceedingly nosy or when they have a heavy political content.

Have a happy weekend and enjoy the fourth of July.


Jennifer said...

I wonder what MIT is studying? I took the survey and was trying to figure it out, but it could really have been about anything.

Heather said...

Pioggia, for the past few weeks, it has been taking quite a long while (okay, just about 2 minutes) to load your page on dsl. I'm not sure what gives -- your banner comes up and then the pink yarn background is all I see for awhile. Am I too impatient? I hear you on the bad communication thing - loud and clear. : )

Pioggia said...

I wonder about that MIT study too. I guess we won't know until they publish whatever results they get.

As for the blog loading very slowly, I've no idea why it's happening. I did rearrange stuff on my sidebar, but that shouldn't be a problem, should it?

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