Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Off topic

Isn't the the heart the noblest of all organs? We say that trustworthy people have a good heart. When you really love someone, you do it with all your heart. If love fails, we are heartbroken. A positive hunch is felt in our hearts, and when we are being sincere we're speaking from the bottom of our hearts.

It is not strange,
then, that other organs of the body aspire to emulate the
heart. Most of them fail, but I am the lucky owner of a heart-shaped uterus. The doctors called it bicornuate uterus and
they gave me the most discouraging statistics regarding motherhood. I do not wish to talk about bad news, but of my
uterus. Isn't it amusing to watch his picture where, innocently, he seems to smile at me, proud of his loving shape? He is a well mannered uterus, usually causes no trouble and by all means I
forgive his confusion: the poor guy did not know that his heart
disguise would have adverse consequences.

So why do I feel so
sad? Almost any woman can give birth to a child, but I do not know of any other
woman that has two hearts.

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TeamWinks said...

I have a bicornuate uterus too. So does Serenity at Serenity Now. I link to her on my sidebar. You can email me anytime at Oh, and no, I don't have any children...yet (Nor does she.) Optimism helps, right?...sigh...

decemberbaby said...

Hmmm... nothing says "I love you" like a heart shaped uterus. It looks pretty on (virtual) film, but I wish for your sake that it wasn't this way.

Diane said...

A guy i worked with years ago and his wife had tried to conceive a baby and had had lots of tests etc .When , completely out of the blue ,i think they had totally given up all hope , the lady did conceive and when she was scanned (it was back in the day before such sophisticated scanning)she was told that her womb was in 2 parts and that the baby had formed in 1 side! Is this the same sort of thing?? Because this couple did have a successful pregnancy and although they only ever had the 1 daughter , they did have an baby......

Marlena said...

I'm sorry that you received sad news, but your uterus does make a cheerful picture.

Jennifer said...

I'm so sorry that you got this sad news. Your reflection on the heart is a thought provoking one.

msfitzita said...

I just hopped over from the Stirrup Queens quilt and I wanted to let you know that I also have a bicornuate uterus. The good news (and the reason I'm commenting) is to let you know that I got pregnant and carried to term! Okay, the ending wasn't great (our baby only lived one day), but my son's death had nothing to do with the extra little heart inside of me. In fact, no one even KNEW about the shape of my uterus until I was diagnosed with secondary infertility after a year of trying again following the birth of my son. My RE believes the uterus isn't an issue and isn't worried about it. I realize there are all different degrees of "deformity" (ick - hate that word) and we aren't exactly the same even if we have the same issue, but I wanted you to know that there IS hope. This from one heart-shaped womb owner to another. Never give up! I haven't. :) Sending lots of love and luck to you through the ether.

Heather said...

Oh pioggia, I'm sorry to hear about your second heart, but must say that you are such an eloquent and thoughtful person that it was such a reward to perceive it as you are. I'm sure that hearing "my friend" stories can get tiresome, but I also have an old friend with a similar problem and she has managed two children - neither were so easy of pregnancies, but they are blossoming children now. Keep a little faith -

thinking of you,


Stacie said...

I am very sorry for the sad news. Hugs!

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