Saturday, February 03, 2007

Bindoff Angst

Now that things are back to normal, I have finished the second sock, but I need to relax and gather strength to do the kitchener bindoff.  What better way of gathering strength than spinning  a little green hank?

This hank will travel to its final home in the Canary Islands once it's washed, blocked and dried, along with Anne Modesitt's "Confessions of a Knitting Heretic" (which I never took the time to return). In exchange, I will get a CD with Antonio Gala's Spanish sonnets sung by a guy I'd never heard of. Putting music to a Spanish sonnet is quite a challenge, I can't wait to hear it.


Sandra said...

Love that grean hank coloure! I can't not to think of you almost on daily basis, cause hat (top of that hat) I knitted with little variagate hank you've sent my younger is wearing everyday!

vaxgirl said...

I admire you for kitchenering. I fear and loathe it so much that I limit myself to knitting all socks toe up...

Pioggia said...

Oh, I'm with you with the kitchener grafting and I also knit my socks toe up. The kitchener bindoff is less of a nightmare and provides a very stretchy cuff. Still, I'm no expert yet.

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