Friday, November 26, 2004

Another FO

Albeit a small one. No, it's not the awaited second sock. It's a camera case:

That's not my camera, of course. It's a birthday gift for my father from my sister, my mom and me. Technically, the case is not yet finished, it needs some blocking and a piece of velcro on the bottom, that's why the flap is hanging. It's not a very professional looking case, but I know he'll use it. It's made with the yarn I got from the retirement home's spring cleaning.


Missy said...

Hey, I like that camera case a lot! How cool to have a knitted case for your camera... and I thought I had seen just about everything in regards to knitting. I guess I was wrong! ^_^ Is this your design, Pioggia? I think it looks grand!

Pioggia said...

Yes, it's my design, although I changed it later on, I did not like the "lace" on the flap.

Missy said...

Wow. You should post the patterns for your designs if you keep track of them. That's a great idea. I haven't seen it done before either.

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