Friday, May 21, 2004

SSSK always slanted?

Because I knit funny, I know that whenever I see ssk I should k2tog and viceversa, but sssk appears slanted and so does k3tog. I tried to make this lace as symmetrical as possible, making half of them slant to the right and the others to the left, but I still did not like the results, so I ripped it out and started again. Whenever I see sssk I knit into the middle stich and the other two stitches are hidden behind. That requires me to cross stitches as if I were knitting cables, but that way there is no slant. It looks better.

I'm trying to knit as much as I can before I pack it all up in my suitcase. I don't dare bring my knitting with me in the plane, so all those hours I'll be reading or sleeping. It's such a waste, when I could be knitting...


Missy said...

I know how you feel about the plane thing! ^_^ I was a little annoyed at the waste of valuable knitting time during my trip to Bermuda. I picked up a copy of Knit Lit with my birthday money before I left though, so I could at least read about knitting...haha.

I wish I could give you some adivce about the SSK thing, but I'm still trying to figure those things out myself. There are good explanations in Stitch 'N' Bitch: A Knitters handbook by Debbie Stoller. It's a fairly cheap knitting book too (one of the few that I have... those books can be expensive), so you may want to check it out. ^_^

Thanks for visiting my blog too! I appreciate your kind words about my cat... I miss her so much. Feel free to drop by my site anytime to see what sort of knitted things are going on. I'll add you to my links, if that's okay with you.

Pioggia said...

Sure, that's OK, thank you. The SSSK I came up with look nice enough to me. I'll post pictures when I get back home. I'm starting to believe my funny way of knitting still holds some other surprises. Let's hope not.

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