Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Menstrual Stem Cells

Yes, I'm going way off-topic. Also, this poor blog has had no attention for a long time. Instead of showing you pictures of my sad wips, I bring you this link for a press release.

It's cool, isn't it? Finally something good's coming from your monthly mess. If you were too lazy to click on that link, I'll summarize it for you: Your menstrual blood contains stem cells that may one day save your life or that of a close relative. And, how convenient, there is a company willing to store yor menstrual blood for a fee.

And yet, the press release contains this little statement: "The use of these unique menstrual stem cells in pre-clinical studies
for human cardiovascular, diabetes and neurodegenerative regenerative
therapies is under evaluation."

Pre-clinical? This means they have not done anything beyod the petri dish, maybe a  mouse or two. In other words, no human being has been treated with menstrual stem cells. I wish the company's website were a little more clear on that.

I'd give you that website, but you will easily find it with a google search. And I suspect it will soon pop up in many internet ads, too.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

That is interesting!

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