Sunday, February 24, 2008

New job woes

I was going to show a picture of my eye, but it looks so red, swollen and ugly that I chose not to. My eyelids are covered with eczema and so are my lips, which are really inconvenient places: I cannot apply my usual coal tar gunk for fear of getting it in my eyes or ingesting it. The last time I had a bad eczema flare it was a job related issue involving the powder in my lab gloves. This time I am not sure of what the cause is, but I do believe it is job related, since this is my third winter in California and never before did I get eczema on my face.

Until I see a doctor, all I can do is apply cold compresses. When I am not doing that, I am working on the socks to be swapped. Thanks to ravelry I have seen the pattern of my choice from many angles and I believe it will look great with this self striping yarn. The only thing I don't like is the garter stitch toe, and I figure my sock swap recipient would not like it either, so I began instead with a figure eight toe.

This color scheme fills me with awe. I would have never chosen these colors to go together, and yet they look great.


Sandra said...

Eczema! Damn! Hope your doctor already helped you get rid of it!

Jennifer said...

Oh no! I hope you get some relief soon.

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