Sunday, June 18, 2006

No knitting content

Sorry, but other priorities have taken over. Still, I feel the need to blog about my current headache: Barron's Precalculus. I'm talking about this book. I wish I had read the reviews before buying it, because it really contains too  many mistakes. I searched for an errata page on Barron's webpage, and though they do have errata for some of their books, they don't for this one.

But I'm too stingy to get yet another book, and I'm not going to get one from the library because I like to write stuff on my own copy, so I'm sticking to this stinking book. In the meantime, I'll publish here the errata I come across, since no one else is bothering to do so. I'm skipping all the parts that require a graphing calculator since I won't be allowed to use a calculator during my test. Also, I do most of the checkup exercises, but not all of them. And finally, bear in mind that I'm not a math whiz and no one else is checking my own mistakes. That said, here I go:

Chapter 1:
Checkup exercises, No. 26:   0.2a 2-1.5ab

Chapter 2
Checkup exercises:
No. 3: 1/2√3
No. 10: (x-3y)/4
No. 15: -4
No. 41:4(x-2)

Chapter 3
Checkup exercies, No. 21: (9,2)

Chapter 4
Pg 92, division of two functions, I get 3x/(x 2-1), the domain is {x|x ≠1 and x≠-1}
Pg 102, factoring higher degree equations, I get x=2, x=-2, x=-1/3

This is as far as I got, but I'm sure there's more to come. I still vent some of my frustration by ocasionally spinning wool for the doggy rug, and there might be some knitting when I'm done.


Diane said...

Sweetie that all looks Greek to me!...I wish i knew where the mistakes were!Your so clever!...My youngest son is the boff here , he belongs to the able student group at his school because he has above average IQ...he must get it from me NOT!! !LOL

Sandra said...

I used to adore math during my education! I loved even statistic! And can't wait for my girls to start going in school - they certainly will not suffer in math!

Kathy said...

I loved Calculus! I only needed one semester for my degree, but took three more semesters for the fun of it.

Yes, I'm nuts.

Unfortunately, this was 15 or so years ago and that knowledge has leaked out of my brain.

nasheikah said...

thank you for your help!

I will try what you said and i think i actually was reading my pattern incorrectly! duh ! so i'll try again tonight ! thanks for the help/ advice and smart comment on frugality !

Michele said...

Hi Pioggia! I'm confused. Why are you taking pre-calculus? As a math teacher, I adore the subject myself and am sorry to hear you're having such frustrations with it. I'm sending you good math thoughts for your studies!

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