Don't get me wrong, he simply happens to love mathematics, and chaos theory was one of his favorite topics while he was working on his dissertation. A while ago he asked me to put an equation on his (acrylic) hat. You can only see the part that reads (1-X) on that picture. The whole equation includes an r and an X prime. If I remember correctly, under certain r values there are too many possible x values. This link explains more. If you skim down to the figure you'll understand what it's got to do with chaos.
Anyway. I don't need to elaborate more on his love for chaos (he married me, after all). We recently heard of a crocheted Lorenz Manifold. Beautiful, isn't it? Big and useless too. Plus, who would crochet that? Apparently, me, especially now that I have found the pattern.
Oh dear. Should I? What would I do with it? How can I even think about it, when I am unable to finish a simple doily?
That would be one heck of an undertaking. Interesting though.
That's it, you've finally flipped! That doily is beautiful though, I've just put mine down in a fit of rage before I rip it to shreds!
Wow Pioggia, the skinny rabbit mentioned your knitting ethic on her sidebar. Check it out and bask in the glow! : ) I really appreciate the community you knitting bloggers have fostered amongst yourselves! My one-sided relationship with you all just isn't the same, but it'll have to do for now.
That's just too cool, Pioogia. I love when knitting becomes art, and here you have somethig that is both art (party because it's useless? hehe) AND math. Beautiful. I'd say go for it! How could you find a more interesting pattern than that? You could always use it as a centerpiece or decorative element in your home. I'd love to see you do it.
you should do it! i went to this talk ( ) and i was so inspired...
love the hat.
Hey, I had seen pictures of the crocheted hyperbolic plane, but never as crunched as this one. Thanks for the link!
I love your equation hat! Having studied mathematics in university myself, I can totally appreciate the beauty of a good equation. Nice work!
I think I'd be questioning the manifold, myself. Lots of work.
Hope you're having a great day!
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