Thursday, May 03, 2007

A couple of lame excuses

My computer had a near death experience this week. The spouse was able to bring her back to life, but it seems that we need to start shopping around for a healthier one. Well, that's one excuse for not blogging. Another one is that my cousin was here this weekend and though she was mostly working all day, we did manage to spend last Sunday together and also had dinner with her on Monday. She's always traveling, so even when I go to Mexico I barely get to see her. We've been close friends since childhood and I was very happy to enjoy her company for a while.

My knitting isn't progressing much, but I have finished one sock and will soon finish the second one.

I came up with a reasonable adaptation of the feather and sock pattern. Normally, you have to increase the number of stitches because the wavy pattern narrows the width of the sock, but I decided to increase the needle size instead. I like the results.


Sandra said...

My computer is choking - therefore she is closer to death expirience every day! Maybe I should start shopping!

Stacie said...

Good luck on a new computer!

Louise said...

The socks look great. My computer basically died about a month ago and I had to replace even though I really couldn't afford it. Thank goodness for credit.

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